Lumen Privacy Center

At Lumen, privacy is the key component in digitally connecting people, data, and applications–quickly, securely, and effortlessly. Here at Lumen’s Privacy Center, you can learn more about how Lumen manages personal information.

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Aviso de Privacidad de Lumen

Su confianza en que manejemos su información de forma adecuada y ética es muy importante. Si quiere saber más sobre cómo recopilamos y usamos su información, consulte nuestro Aviso de Privacidad.

Aviso de Privacidad de Lumen

Su confianza en que manejemos su información de forma adecuada y ética es muy importante. Si quiere saber más sobre cómo recopilamos y usamos su información, consulte nuestro Aviso de Privacidad.

Team reading

Processing Details and Lumen Privacy Data Sheets

View general processing details for Lumen and download Privacy Data Sheets for selected Lumen products and services. Privacy Data Sheets provide customers and others with relevant information to assess the privacy impact of selected Lumen products and services.

Processing Details and Lumen Privacy Data Sheets

View general processing details for Lumen and download Privacy Data Sheets for selected Lumen products and services. Privacy Data Sheets provide customers and others with relevant information to assess the privacy impact of selected Lumen products and services.

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Solicitudes de las personas interesadas

Lumen responde a las solicitudes de las personas para ejercer sus derechos de protección de datos en relación con los datos que podamos tener sobre ellas. Si tiene motivos para creer que Lumen tiene sus datos personales y tiene preguntas al respecto, rellene nuestro formulario de solicitud.

Solicitudes de las personas interesadas

Lumen responde a las solicitudes de las personas para ejercer sus derechos de protección de datos en relación con los datos que podamos tener sobre ellas. Si tiene motivos para creer que Lumen tiene sus datos personales y tiene preguntas al respecto, rellene nuestro formulario de solicitud.


Privacy at Lumen

We value the trust you place in us to manage personal information. Our commitment is to meet our obligation to properly collect, maintain, and use of personal information, as set out in our Privacy Notice.  

Through the Privacy Center, you have easy access to manage your privacy rights and choices so you can control how Lumen processes or shares your personal information.

Learn more:

Privacy at Lumen

We value the trust you place in us to manage personal information. Our commitment is to meet our obligation to properly collect, maintain, and use of personal information, as set out in our Privacy Notice.  

Through the Privacy Center, you have easy access to manage your privacy rights and choices so you can control how Lumen processes or shares your personal information.

Learn more:

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Cookie Notice

Lumen uses common tracking technologies such as Cookies to improve our services, optimize and analyze your experience and serve ads relevant to your interests.

You can control which Cookies are relevant to your interests, how our website stores Cookies, and what ads you see.  You can always change your preferences at any time. We honor opt‑out preference signals.

Learn more:

Cookie Notice

Lumen uses common tracking technologies such as Cookies to improve our services, optimize and analyze your experience and serve ads relevant to your interests.

You can control which Cookies are relevant to your interests, how our website stores Cookies, and what ads you see.  You can always change your preferences at any time. We honor opt‑out preference signals.

Learn more:

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