Lumen help

Searching for a user in the Voice Feature Management portal

To search for a Voice Feature Management portal user:

Voice Feature Management portal login page

The Voice Feature Management portal opens. When you log in as an administrator, the Voice Feature Management portal displays the Site Info page (To find it again later, click the Group Profile tab).

Profile tab
  1. Click the Manage Users tab.

    The Voice Feature Management portal displays your list of users.
Manage Users tab (showing Profile)
  1. In the search field, enter letters and/or numbers that can be found within the user’s profile. You can narrow the search criteria by clicking the Search button and checking the column headings you want to search on.
  1. Click Go.  Any users that contain the characters you entered, in the columns you selected, will be listed in User ID order.

    • To sort your search results, click a column heading to sort in ascending or decending order.

    • To view a user's profile, double-click the row for the user. The Voice Feature Management portal displays the user’s calling features.