Lumen help

Creating a Vyvx® estimated charges report

To create a Vyvx estimated charges report:

  1. From the main menu, select Reports > Vyvx Estimated Charges.

    Media portal lists your Vyvx reservations and the estimated charges (excluding taxes) for each.
Vyvx Estimated Charges
  1. Doing any of the following to customize the report, view more information, or export the data:
  • To filter the reservations you see in the report, use the Service (Fiber, Teleport, or Satellite), Event Type, and Company lists (above the Details section).

  • To change the date range for the report, click the Date Range link, then select an option from the list. (To use a custom date range, select Custom Date range, then select the beginning and ending dates for the range.)

  • To group the reservations (by invoice category, reservation, or by both), select an option from the Group By list.

  • To export the data as a .csv file, click the Export Results icon.

  • To view details for a reservation, click the reservation ID hyperlink.