Lumen help

Updating information in a repair ticket

To update information in a repair ticket:

  1. Search for the ticket you want to work with by doing one of the following:

    • Scroll through the tickets on the screen. If you have more than 20 tickets, use the arrows at the bottom of the list to view more tickets.

    • Search for the ticket by typing search criteria in the Search field.

    • Filter the list by selecting Repair from the All Ticket Types list. You can also filter by ticket status (using the All Statuses list) or by the date the ticket was created (using the All Created Dates list).
  1. When you find the ticket you want to update, click the row for the ticket.

    Control Center shows the detail for the ticket. (Before you update the ticket, review it to verify you're updating the correct one. To view all details for the ticket, click the plus sign () next to the ticket status.)
  1. Make your updates to the repair ticket:

    • To add a work log note (to communicate with your Lumen technician), type your note in the Add a Note field, then click Add Note.

    • To change your authorization for remote intrusive testing or for whether you authorize Lumen to dispatch a technician to the site, click the Authorization section, make your changes, then click Save Authorization. (If you select Yes to authorize us to dispatch a technician, be sure to provide a local contact for the site and include and dispatch instructions you think we might need.)

    • To update the contact information for the ticket, click the Contacts section, edit the information for the contact(s), then click Save Contacts.

    • To attach a document (such as a more detailed explanation of the problem or additional details pertaining to your request), click the Attachments section, click Add Attachment, browse to locate the file, and click Open, then click Save Attachments. You can upload up to two files—no more than 2MB each.