Lumen help

Checking for available services

To check for available services:

  1. Click Shop, then click Explore Products
Explore Products
  1. Click See what's available.
Explore Products (showing map open)
  1. In the Search box, type the address you want to qualify for, then press enter on your keyboard.

    Control Center searches for the address as you type. After you press enter (or select the address in the suggested results), Control Center checks the address for available services and places a pin on the map for the location. A green check indicates that the address qualifies for the service; a red X indicates that the service is not currently available at the address.
  1. Do one of the following:

    • To qualify another address, repeat step 4.

    • To remove an address you've qualified, click the slider next to the address (to turn it green), then click Remove Location(s).

    • To view more information about a product, click the product name.
  1. To submit the address(es) and be contacted about the service:

    1. Click I am interested.

    2. Fill in any of the fields (e.g., add an email address in the CC field, add a subject line, and type a message about your request).

    3. Click Send.

      A Lumen representative contacts you about your request.
  1. Click Close.