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Calling from Receptionist Console

Call manually

To make a call manually:

  1. In the Call Console pane, type the phone number in the Enter number field, then click the phone icon.

    Receptionist Console calls you.
  1. Answer the call using your handset, headset, or speakerphone.

    Receptionist Console dials the phone number.
  1. When you’re done with the call, hang up the phone or click END in Receptionist Console.


Receptionist Console retains up to 10 of your most recent phone numbers placed.

To redial a phone number:

  1. From the Call Console pane, click Redial, then select the phone number of the contact you want to call.

    Receptionist Console calls you.
  1. Answer the call using your handset, headset, or speakerphone.

    Receptionist Console dials the phone number.
  1. When you’re done with the call, hang up the phone or click END in Receptionist Console.

Call from a directory

To call from a directory in the Contacts pane:

  1. Click the contact’s name.
contacts pane showing notes
  1. Click CALL.

    Receptionist Console calls you.
  1. Answer the call using your desk phone's handset, headset, or speakerphone.
  1. When you’re done with the call, hang up the phone or click END in Receptionist Console.

Call from call history

To call from a call history list:

  1. From the Call Console pane header bar, click call history(the list icon).
receptionist console call console call history
  1. By default, Receptionist Console displays your missed calls log. To view a different call log, from the Show list at the top of the call history window, select the log you’d like to view.
  1. To call a contact, click on the call record, then click CALL.

    Receptionist Console calls you.
  1. Answer the call using your desk phone’s handset, headset, or speakerphone.
  1. When you’re done with the call, hang up the phone or click END in Receptionist Console.